Workers Compensation
Get State Disability Instead Of California Workers’ Compensation
How The California State Disability Insurance Program Works Most employees who work in the State of California pay into the State Disability Insurance (or SDI) program with the Employment Development Department (or EDD). An individual can tell whether or not they are paying into the SDI program by inspecting their pay stub. An employee who is paying in…
Read MoreReturning To Work After Workers Comp Injury
Work Injury and Returning to Work – Many people use a workers compensation injury claim as an exit strategy from their current employment situation. It is true that many of those who enter the system end up leaving it with a lump sum of cash and with no job. The reasons for this result are numerous. But…
Read MoreHow Can You Benefit From California Workers Compensation Law
What Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Do For You? Workers’ compensation is a requirement that many businesses must have. If you are an employee or an employer, it is essential to understand this law and how it applies to your situation. Having this information can help you to get the help you need if you…
Read MoreHow to Win a Denied Workers Compensation Case
Workers’ Compensation Law and How to Win a Denied Case – Win a Denied Workers Compensation Case – Many California workers’ compensation cases are denied by the insurance carrier. When a complete and total denial occurs, the only way to seriously fight for benefits is to hire a job accident attorney. While it is possible…
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