Get State Disability Instead Of California Workers’ Compensation

How The California State Disability Insurance Program Works
Most employees who work in the State of California pay into the State Disability Insurance (or SDI) program with the Employment Development Department (or EDD). An individual can tell whether or not they are paying into the SDI program by inspecting their pay stub. An employee who is paying in will find it as a deduction on their pay stub, most likely listed after all taxes, medicare and social security insurance deductions. While the exact label differs depending on the payroll company, the deduction for could be labeled EDD SDI or other similar variation like DI or State Disability.
The California State Disability Insurance acts more like insurance than a savings plan. This means that it is possible for an individual worker to collect more from the program than what they actually pay into it. What the employee pays each pay period is like an insurance premium that will entitle that employee to take out a certain amount of money per day for up to a year depending on how long they have paid in and at what rate they have paid in. The rate at which an employee pays in will depend on the amount of money that they make. The more money the individual makes, the higher the premium rate (amount the employee pays in per dollar earned per day). The higher the premium rate, the more money the worker is entitled to draw per day where they meet the criteria for collecting. However, the premium rate caps out at some point. This means that once an individual meets a certain level of income, they no longer pay a higher rate. It also means that their daily draw will cease to increase. Therefore, those who make more than a certain amount of money will not be able to protect high income lifestyles with the money. The program is primarily aimed at providing financial protection for the middle where a short-term disability prevents worker from temporarily performing their job duties. Those with high incomes will cap out much too low on their daily draw to continue with a fancy lifestyle.
California Workers’ Compensation & SDI

Work Injury Claim Form
Those who pay in and who meet certain other criteria will qualify for receiving from the SDI program. In general, SDI provides partial wage replacement to eligible workers who are unable to work because of a disability. In other words, the employee is out of work due to a non-industrial injury, illness, or pregnancy related condition. However, even those who suffer industrial injury (work-related injury or illness from cumulative trauma or specific incident) may still be able to collect CA Disability Benefits. This can occur under a whole lot of different scenarios including but not limited to: 1)Workers Compensation Insurance denies the claim completed; 2) No workmen comp. carrier exists; 3) Workman’s Comp. Law admits industrial injury but denies TD benefits; 4) workman’s comp. insurance is not liable to pay for some other reason. In all of these situations and more, an employee might be able to collect SDI. If you are not receiving temporary benefits from your adjuster, you should consider seeing if you have anything in your SDI account to collect to keep you financially until healed or the State carrier picks up benefits.
What Does California SDI Provide?
State Disability provides wage replacement for those who have injury that prevents them from working. The daily benefit rate is calculated by averaging the last year of pay and multiplying that by 2/3 and then dividing that number by the days in the year, up to a weekly maximum of $1,103.29 (2015 max rate increases each year). The figure ends up as a daily allotment of money that the employee can draw from their EDD account for up to 52 weeks. The average used is gross earnings, meaning the amount multiplied by 2/3 is the pre-tax earnings. Because of this, some workers hardly make less than what they made while working, although amounts are generally lower.
Get Help With Your Disablity Injury Claim

California Work Injury Lawyer
Our law firm is here to help people who have been hurt on the job understand how SDI and Temporary Disability apply to their unique situation. While we do not help people complete state forms, we do help our clients obtain it where the adjuster is refusing to pay temporary disability (or TD) on the Workers’ Compensation Claim case. Many of our clients are able to stay afloat financially while we fight in court for their rights.
Have you been injured on the job or have an occupational disease? All workers should be covered by workers comp. insurance coverage, which provides specific benefits in the occasion of an on-the-job accident or occupational condition. Workplace injury attorneys can assist you through the procedure of applying for benefits or appealing a denied claim. You need to seek advice from an attorney if you have actually been authorized for California Workers Comp. claim benefits but feel as if you have not gotten all of the compensation you should have, or if you’ve been implicated in work comp. scams.
If you are a worker who has been hurt or disabled on the job, you may need the services of a workers’ comp. attorney. Typically administered at the state level, workers’ compensation benefits can consist of weekly wage payments, money for monetary losses due to the injury, and paid medical costs. If an employee is killed on the task, then his family can receive compensation. Work Injury legal representatives interpret injured workers laws and can assist if you have a job-related injury. If you have suffered a work injury or are experiencing what they believe to be TD from an occupational disease (cumulative trauma or toxic exposure), we might be able to represent you! Call our office at 844-584-8444 and speak directly with one of the best Workers Compensation Lawyers in California for free to obtain more information about your legal position. If we think we can help, we will let you know right then and there! Visit to learn more.